Thursday, 4 December 2014

Woodhall Spa Open Day Postponed

Just a quick note to say that the open day to be held on 7th December in Woodhall Spa is going to be postponed til the New Year. It's just a little too close to Christmas and we might also look at restructuring the open days to maximise visitors too.

Watch this space for more news very early in 2015 and have a very merry Christmas!

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Funding Bid Successful!

Great news-

After a year of limbo, we're back in business!

The wonderful people at the Heritage Lottery Fund have agreed to fund our forthcoming drama documentary, "Ghosts of the Skies".

Not a great deal has been filmed regarding Lincolnshire's earliest aviation history, which starts in the First World War. We aim to redress that, discovering hidden places in our landscape and install QR codes at certain sites of interest so that the landscape can reveal more about its past.

At the same time, we want to reveal a little about what civilian life was like for families and those left behind. To that end, we want to make the drama strand of this project truly interactive. We're holding open days in various locations in the county so that people can talk to us about their ancestors and what they did in the war. Perhaps they worked in one of the factories, or remembered the Zeppelin Raids overhead.

Come and see us at:
Grantham Museum, 7.30pm -9pm, 11th November
Priory Centre, Lincoln, 3.30pm-5pm, 24th November
Coronation Hall, Woodhall Spa, 6pm-8pm, 7th December

We'll also be on the lookout for volunteers to help us with research and with props and costumes, so do come along and see us!

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Servers may be down on 20th and 21st Jan

Due to a problem with our domain registrar not being able to find our domain (How??!) we might experience some downtime on our site and related e-mails until it gets sorted.

If you need to contact us on those days please use as an alternative e-mail.

This won't affect ESPTV as it is on a different server.